
<a href="❓ Alien Mushroom" class="display-item">❓ Alien Mushroom</a>

❓ Alien Mushroom

Category: Quest


They popped up in circles last time. It was like they were warning us of what was to come. There's no way we could have predicted it, but looking back... In the weeks before, I saw circles everywhere. It can't have been a coincidence. After everything went dark, the voidtouched began to multiply in number drastically. We called them all manner of names, but there was one that stuck: halvs. What happened at Candletown left a lasting effect that rippled out to all of us. The sea people were gone; the descendants of Hylos devoted themselves to the studies of the Abyssal Void; and there were quiet, secret whispers that someone was making the dead walk again. If I had known that he would go that far, maybe I could have stopped it. But that's just wishful thinking.

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